Book Recommendations

I often find myself recommending the same books to people, particularly when people say they’ve been struggling to read lately or they want to get back into reading. I’m pretty sure that when someone used to read and has stopped and they’re finding it hard to get back into reading, it’s because they’re reading the wrong books (or at least, the wrong books at that time). They’re used to bingeing on cliff-hanger ending episodes of whatever Netflix is recommending to them (which is also fun!). And then when they think about reading they’re minds suddenly go toward what they feel like they ‘should’ be reading – Man Booker and Pulitzer Prize winners or works of classic ficiton. Maybe instead they should start with an easy read page turner?

So I figured I’d post a few of my go to recommendations (I’m not sure how many people actually read these books on my recommendations, but how and ever…)